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Meet the governors

The Role of a Local Governing Body (LGB)

The role of the LGB is a strategic one. The LGB is responsible for promoting high standards and educational achievement.  

The school is accountable to the Group Board, and the LGB should ensure that the school meets the requirements of the Group Board.

The LGB works in partnership with the Principals, the senior leadership team, and senior executives from United Learning to:
  • Uphold the values of the school, the ethos and core values of United Learning
  • Set the school’s strategic plan
  • Monitor the performance and progress of the school, agreeing strategies to achieve continuous improvement, raising standards for all students
  • Ensure budgets are allocated effectively reflecting the priorities as set out in the school’s strategic and school improvement plans
  • Set key targets


The LGB meets at least once a term to provide support and challenge to the Academy’s Senior Leadership Team and to discharge its responsibilities. The Principals both attend the LGB and other members of staff regularly provide updates and presentations at the meetings.

Members of the Governing body visit the school regularly to take part in a range of activities to understand school life, celebrate the academy’s success, provide strategic input to decisions and hold the Senior Leadership Team to account.

The LGB has established one sub-Committee to discharge its functions relating to finance and staffing. The terms of reference for that committee are to provide oversight and challenge to financial performance and reward, retention and management of the staff of the academy. Both Principals and the Business Manager also attend the Committee. This Committee meets once a term and provides regular reports on its work and decisions to the main LGB. 

Other areas of responsibility over overseen by appointment of a ‘link governor’ responsible for that area (these are set out below against individual members). Link governors meet with key staff in their area or sit on the relevant Academy committee and are responsible for reporting back progress and issues to the LGB.

LGB Members

Chair of Governors - Catherine Barker

Catherine Barker has been our Chair Governor from the 1st January 2019.  Her current term of office is for five years. Catherine Barker is employed by United Learning as a Subject Advisor.

Governor - Michael Freedman

Michael joined the governing board in 2015. Michael is a solicitor. Having previously worked at Paddington Academy, Michael brings a passion for contributing towards the continued success of the Academy and its students.

Governor - Patricia Edwards

Patricia is a barrister practising commercial law. She joined the governing board in 2017 and is committed to helping to maintain and build on the successes of the Academy. 


Governor - Shabeer Ahmad

Shabeer joined as a staff governor in 2015.  He is the IT Manager at the school.  He has a Master’s degree in Business Administration and has extensive experience in security and crime prevention.  His interests include politics along with the use of technology to enhance learning.  He is also involved in various voluntary projects to support the local community.

Governor - Michelene Hinkson

Michelene joined as a staff governor in 2015. She has worked at Paddington Academy since 2011. Michelene is a Careers and Enterprise Officer. She has previously worked for the Commission for Racial Equality (18yrs) and Paddington Development Trust (5yrs). She is a local resident and lives in Queen’s Park, North Westminster.

Governor - Riam Muayad

Riam joined as a staff governor in 2019. She is the Assistant Principal ITT.  Growing up in the community and being a former student, Riam is fully committed to the school. After 6 years of working at Paddington Academy she is eager to support the school to maintain its exceptional reputation. 


Chair of Finance & Staffing Committee - Tom Webb

Contact us

If you have any queries about the LGB work or wish to raise an issue with the local governing body, please contact office@paddington-academy.org.


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