Our history curriculum ensures that all students are exposed to a wealth of knowledge of British and world history, and ensures that pupils can develop and deploy historical skills to help them understand the diverse world around them.
We commit to building our students’ historical knowledge. Students develop a good understanding of chronology and how different events are connected, as well as the impact of such events. Students learn about diverse people, cultures, time periods and types of history. We don’t shy away from challenging topics. Students take away concrete examples to support abstract concepts and use within their writing.
We teach our students what it means to be an historian. We teach the second order concepts (for example chronology, change and continuity, causation and consequence, significance, similarity and difference, and source and interpretation analysis) in a consistent way, ensuring students have plenty of time and practice to develop these skills in their writing and oracy. History is about uncovering truth. Through exposure to historical sources and interpretations, the analytical skills that develop over the course of the curriculum help students assess truth, accuracy and value from their perspective and that of others.
Our history curriculum builds our students’ cultural capital. By linking history to the modern day, students can begin to understand why the world is the way it is.