Year 12 PSHE begins with life skills in the form of study skills to help prepare them for the transition from GCSE to A-level/BTEC. These activities also allow them to be aspirational in terms of their future plans and what they are aiming to achieve after sixth form. Students then go onto to look at mental health, building on what was covered at KS4 and focused specifically around topics such as exam stress and how to manage your mental health around big transitions, such as starting sixth form or university. The next theme for Year 12 is sex and relationships, which again builds on KS4. In this topic we look at healthy and unhealthy relationship patterns, consent, contraception, sexual harassment and toxic masculinity. Following this we look at feminism and diversity, including LGBTQ+ focused sessions. In the final term, we look at personal finance with a particular emphasis on budgeting and student finances as many students have part-time jobs and will be making the transition to university after sixth form. We also prepare students for university and apprenticeships with sessions supporting them to make these decisions and ensure they are aware of all the options open to them.
PSHE in Year 13 continues to explore a number of themes including study skills and organisation, speaking skills and oracy, mental health, relationships and sex education, sexual and gender diversity, financial education and university.